Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pictures of the week...

Cookie and Kristina

New tables for the picnic area

Cookie at 2 weeks old

Pussywillows and blue sky

Happy Llama-versary!!!

Yesterday marked the one year mark having our llamas at Agape Hill Farm!! What a celebration it was! We were just about to leave for the day and stopped at the barn to pick up a few things. There was some commotion going on in the girls' pen. We looked and surprise!!--Macey was giving birth. She struggled a bit to get the shoulders out, so we were very glad to be there. We had planned to leave earlier, but had many interruptions. God's timing is so much better than ours! Macey gave birth to a very handsome baby boy named Oreo!

After we got mother and son all clean and dry and settled in the barn, Mom and Danny, resumed our trip to Middlebury. We were on our way to pick up another new llama addition--a beautiful femaled named Summer. We fell in love with her instantly and after a little convincing (and some grain) got her loaded into the mini-van. Summer laid down and rested quietly during the whole trip home--even for a stop at McDonalds! She is settling in nicely and is getting acquainted with everyone from her spot in a small pen set up next to the girls' larger pen. We'll move her in with them in a couple of days.

So, two new llamas--not a bad way to mark anniversary number one! We're up to 16!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Another new friend...

It was a beautiful day on the farm today. Such a nice change from the colder weather earlier this week! Our friend, Brittany, from Heartbeet came for a visit and took Whoopie Pie for a nice long walk up the road. We even saw a flock of robins on the way home. Spring is finally on its way!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Friends at the Farm

We had a new visitor from Heartbeet Lifesharing here at the farm yesterday. Connor came for his first llama visit and made fast friends with Anakin. They are an awesome pair--both outgoing, happy and enthusiastic. We went for a great walk up the road and Connor also helped with several farm chores. His farm experience at Heartbeet really showed!

Kitty's baby has a name...Cookie! She is gaining weight steadily and full of life. Kitty is a terrific mom.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

It's a girl!!

Miss Kitty has FINALLY had her cria! She was born around 8 this morning and the whole family was able to be there to welcome the new little one. She weighed 29.5 lbs, is standing well and has been nursing frequently. We are praying all will continue to go well. Thank you to Pat for the new scale for the barn so we can keep a close watch on her weight. She's got great coloring and a name will be announced soon!

We did take pictures of the birth, if anyone would like to see them--just email.

Saturday's Adventures

It was SO nice to have warm weather this weekend. Every llama has been for a walk and it has been wonderful! Some llamas got toenail trims after their nails softened up walking in wet grass and snow.

Danny tried on Anakin's new halter and was presently surprised at how quickly Anakin learned to walk with a training pack. They took Mom and Ande on a walk carrying apples in the pack for a snack at the top of the hill. We also learned that Ande has a liking for apple cores!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sugarin' Time...

We're very excited to be tapping a few maple trees this year on the property. We'll be hauling the sap off to Ed's brother's sugar house for boiling. We used to sugar back in Connecticut (go figure!) and have really missed it.

Sunny is resting after losing her cria and we are sharing her sadness. Miss Kitty and Macey are both due any time. After this last disappointment we'll be watching them extra closely!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

What's new at Agape Hill...

We're all ready for the weather to warm up...tired of frozen waterers and an icy barnyard, but while we are waiting for spring there are still things happening at the farm.

The interactive farm program has begun on a limited basis in conjunction with Nancy's internship at Heartbeet lifesharing. We are enjoying Sean's weekly visits and appreciating his enthusiasm and flexibility as we overcome weather obstacles. He and Mexia are an awesome team and we can't wait to be able to do more as the weather warms up!

We've been patiently (ok, not patiently) waiting for Miss Kitty to have a cria, but went to the barn Tuesday morning to discover that Sunny had beaten her to it! Not sure why they manage to pick the coldest days to give birth, but Sunny had a cute little girl cria. We're still deciding on a name, but mother and baby are doing fine! They are in the horse barn to keep warm and we've put Kitty along in there for company. We THINK we'll have more news soon and Macey is due next week, so keep watching!A sad ending to this story. The little cria died at 3 days old. She was nursing and seemed fine, but went downhill so fast Friday afternoon there was nothing we could do. She died well loved in Nancy's arms with lots of tears shed. This is the hard side of farming--and part of the life lessons that living on a farm brings to us.