Monday, May 25, 2009

Selah...pause and reflect.

My women's Sunday school class talked this week about the importance of taking time to "selah," Hebrew for "pause and reflect." This is a good time to do just that:

Spring has definitely arrived. The early vegetables are peaking through the soil and the apple trees are blossoming.

Hardwick's Spring festival had its usual parade with the first-time ever addition of our own Agape Hill llamas. George, Anakin, Lucy and Whoopie Pie were terrific and we all has so much fun!

Then we headed down to Atkins field for the first annual Ag Fair. The llamas were with us and we also demonstrated carding and felting. It was a wonderful time introducing lots of people to the world of llamas and fiber.

Sunday Kristina and I drove to Topsham to get two new angora rabbits--Libby & Bailey. They are adorable and SO soft.

Monday Lucy had her first haircut. We used scissors instead of electric clippers so it would be a calmer event for her. Check out her new "do."

The first bridge was built on our hiking trail today. The logging team recruited Danny to help. He was quite impressed with their work ethic and had a great day. They also built a cool bench for a rest along the way. I took Ande out to check out the bridge. He is not quite as confident in the guys' building abilities as I am and refused to cross. This same llama wouldn't step foot on even damp soil the other day and now he chose to jump in the mud (pulling me over in the process) rather than step on the bridge. We had a lengthy discussion, and I finally convinced him it could be trusted.

I know all you future llama walkers will be glad he figured this out!

As we reflect on this past weekend, we are so thankful for the life we have been given here, the incredibly perfect weather we enjoyed, our terrific children, and God's grace.

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